Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stampede breaky and garage sailing....

Hi Ho Garage Sailing we will go..... and Stampede breakfasting....

first stop Mac's... moi haha, I love the new flavor :-)

we garage sailed all the way to the Ranchlands community breakfast, it was THE best breakfast we've ever been to, they had free everything..... icecream, popcorn, snowcones, beavertails, pancakes, and of course the best free gift of all.......
COTTON CANDY!!! we talked to the "Candy man" when we got up to him, he said he had already whipped up 600 cones! The line never ended, not that it was a long line but it was a never ending one....

we were very happy to get our free cotton candy!!! :-)

oohh lala

the Scrapbooker's girls were at the breakfast, which was the whole reason we went, just to say hi.... little did we know, it would be so awesome!! Holly guides Maddie thru making a rodeo tag, and Megan says Howdy :-)

me and Angela, yee haw!

over to the Beavertail section where the Scouts cook up a storm

haha me again, taking pictures of all the Cowboys Hats, this family I'm stalking was particularly cute cause all the kids matched :-)

off garage sailing again. You know what I don't get?? Why is it people don't price their stuff at garage sales? I find it frustrating to walk up and guess, or make an offer, so I don't... I walk away? is it laziness? is it a new trend? Either way.... I'm not a fan!

Creekside had a BBQ today too, but.... after the Ranchlands one, this one was kinda lame. Sorry to say it but there wasn't anything interesting going on beyond the free Hotdog and Coffee. Maybe when the area grows more?
there was a carriage ride tho' with a really pretty horsey, so it wasn't all bad :-)

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