Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pika WHO??

Hello fellow readers... I'm on a rampage and I thot I'd share my frustration! Maddie ordered a costume online, and we waited patiently for delivery day, BUT... before that day arrived, Maddie just happened to google reviews for the company we ordered from... OH NO!! there was some panic.... some tears.... and some frustration.... we discovered that the web site we ordered from was very misleading, and had actually used a picture from another website to sell their fake product!! Can you say LIVID!! Yes I can too ....

This is their ad, front page, order this here, one click away......

and this "cute as a button" costume is what you expect in the mail.... but no......

this impostor arrives. PikaWho?

crappy sewing job

this Zipper is supposed to be buttons, and the fabric is supposed to be the softest fleece you can imagine... instead it's scratchy workman cloth???

the stupid tail is red .... not brown like the real Pikachu's and it's a mile long???? also where are the zigzags???... getting madder as I type... ( lol )
Would the real Pikachu please stand up... but I must end with a happy note, because Maddie caught it in time, we ordered the real costume from a different company, it arrived in 5 days from Japan, and it is perfect!!! Now the fight is on to get our money back from also known as BUYER BEWARE!

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