Saturday, June 18, 2011

The largest locker EVER

I'm not sure why the dates of the Storage auction always falls on days I'm not around :-( Today was sign up day at the store and that's where I was, watching my phone for news of the day. Then it came, Dean phoned and said "we got a locker" Again we won! I was shocked!! He said it was big, 20x20. I could imagine about the size of the garage... and I was thinking wow that's big!

everyone lined up to peak into the locker

this one is so big it's OUTside the storage lot. Which makes it easy to access. Now to see what's inside....

not only was it big, it was packed to the rafters and right to the door

not much room to manuever yet...and look how nice there is a ladder for us to climb up. Lol last locker had a hammer on the ground that we used to dismantle the shelves.

Maddie went for a climb to see what she could find.

So far we have found some odd items. Brand new Harley Davidson boots, Dean looked them up they're $200 boots, the tags are still on, so those should sell fast. Then we found pin sets, and drawers full of single pins from the Calgary olympics. Kinda kewl! There's allot of collector stuff in this unit, plates, stamps, coins, and pins. We found a box full of Time magazines from the 70's I can read about the test tube baby again! But they might be worth something. The pins are very intriguing, it will be fun learning about the new finds. Oh and a picture from 1930 about a Oil erupture in Oklahoma, there's written info on the picture and we were able to find the photographer and a historic site that talks about the oil rig. That's the interesting part of the lockers, looking things up and getting some history. Kewl, well that's where that one stands for now. We just have to move stuff around and out so we can start selling.

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