Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dress up day

My friend Dianne was in Panoka while we were in Medicine Hat, and she sent word that she found a store that was selling off their Halloween costumes.... I was unable to go, being far from Panoka.... so she picked out a few that she thot' Maddie would like..... well..... as you will see.... she picked right!!! Perfect in fact!!!

Maddie opened the box and was squealing with excitement!! The first one she pulled out was the red queen.... she quickly ran and changed and then got her prop, and within minutes was in the front yard posing......

fits like a glove!

as you can imagine she was VERY excited with the next find!

and how cute is the teaparty dress!!!

and alas.... Snow White.!! Thankyou Dianne, Maddie wouldn't take off the Alice dress... and you may just see her in the neighborhood wearing one of these gems, walking to the corner store!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are awesome costumes! Look, this is ME....reading your blog and loving it and COMMENTING!