Friday, June 25, 2010

...and so it begins....

After 2 days of prep, and shopping the day has finally arrived.....

eggs for the egg salad sandwiches

strawberry key lime dip for the fruit

Maddie licking the bowl clean from the fruit dip

cutting the bread for the finger sandwiches
rolling the egg salad

tiny morsels

making the mint, cucumber sandwiches

cucumber with love

matching the tea cups to place cards

Maddie's spot... that's Madison Avenue by the way

the table awaits

Maddie opened her gift from us, a camera.... good luck with this one!

placing all the tea party food

getting the teapots ready

yay, everyone is arriving

games around the table

games around the chairs

time to sing happy birthday

special candles

gift time.... Alice in Wonderland!

a beautiful teapot

haha, some Doctored balloons

the crowd! We're missing 2 from the picture, good turnout Maddie!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Happy birthday Miss Maddy!!! looks like you had a fav time!!!