Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lucky Duck

Maddie's Dad came over to drop off some tea he had for her, and he asked her if she wanted to see a baby duck. We looked at him with question marks over our heads, and he said "I have a baby mallard in the car" well, sometimes ( most times ) it's hard to get a straight answer out of him, so we were waiting to see what the joke was.... but he came back to the door with... a baby duck!! He said the other ones got hit by a semi :-( but this little lucky duck was struggling to get up on the curb when Glen rescued him. He was on his way to the wild life people who can feed, and train the duck so that he can go back into the wild once he's all grown up. He was the cutest thing!

1 comment:

katieface said...

He would have been right at home in the Hot Tub!