Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lucky Escaped AGAIN

Wow, Lucky has really got his share of posts this year! Yes, he escaped this time by jumping about ten feet off the balcony and his adventure resulting in his own laundry day began. Just weeks previously Lucky had been granted full roaming rights for the whole house. From the first night we moved in to the house, Lucky has used the gate that keeps the cats downstairs as an amusing diversion. When we leave on holiday he roamed the house anyway and never left a trace that he'd been upstairs. So we figured we might as well just let him roam. So it's not that much of a surprise he would escape. He was found a few hours later about 10 houses down the street looking confused.

Lucky planning the balcony escape while an unsuspecting
Maddie sleeps.

So, what do you do about the problem that is Lucky? Well, we figured he would escape again so we need to collar him so he can be returned when the inevitable day comes. What could go wrong?

Plenty apparently. He did not like his collar so he scratched at it so vigorously that he managed to scratch the fur around the collar right off! Well, remove the collar then - problem solved right? Nope! Lucky, along with being an expert escape artist, is also an obsessive groomer. He licked this bare spot so much that he started to remove all the fur on his neck! The pet store sold us this bitter spray which Selena accidently sampled and can attest is extremely bitter. This did not even slow down Lucky's grooming mission. Well, how about a shirt?

This worked. Lucky can't lick through his sweater and his shirt so the hair is finally growing back. And that is how Lucky managed to get himself a laundry day.

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