Sunday, January 31, 2010

My NEW year...starting now

Everywhere I look, and I mean everywhere, there is a picture a day, a craft a day, a veiw a day a blog a day, you get my drift... why is this year so important to document everything by the day for the year 2010???? The other day we watched Julie and Julia. Great movie BTW, but, is this where the inspiration comes to do something every day for a year?? Not wanting to be left off this band wagon, I have decided to ALSO do a thing a day... my year will have to start in February, and since I was born in February, that technically is the start of MY year. So, what shall I do???? I think I will do a picture a day, of something that peaks my interest or makes me smirk.... that's it, that's my goal, starting Feb 1 I will begin my quest, now the big question is??? do I drag ALLLLL of our readers into it?? or start a new blog for this project..... hmmmm

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Numbers Are In...

On the wild Frontier.... as a few of you may have heard, Dean does a catalog for the plumbing company Frontier. Every month there are hundreds of little discs to print and sticker and mail ect, but in January..... the big job comes, INVENTORY. Yes that is a dreaded word in most people's vocabulary, and it is no different here. Last weekend, Dean, Maddie, Nana, Papa and Myself sat around the kitchen table for HOURS on end sorting inventory cards, putting them in numerical order. I told the girls at work we had 15000 cards to sort, but that number was wrong.... a little off you could say, we had 15000 MORE than last year bringing the total amount of cards to do to........

a whopping....... 52576

Friday, January 29, 2010

My little hairdresser

I have been going to the same hairdresser in Calgary since I moved here in 96'. My hair takes al lot of dye, 3 hours of time, and costs a whack of money to have done. I have accepted this thru the years, and paid to have my wonderful mixed up colors done. But... last time I went I was shocked by the increse in price?? yes my hair got longer since the last appt. But not that much longer??? so I pondered... and pondered and as my hair grew out and I started looking homeless, one step away from people giving me money on the street, I had an epiphany. In my house I have a wonderfully talented teenager, who is fun and creative and ...ahem... wants to become a HAIRDRESSER!!! how did I miss this idea for so long..... so.. I bought 3 hair dyes, and some tinfoil, and asked Maddie if she was up to the challenge. She glady leaped at the idea, was a little nervous when the time actually came to put color to hair, but she tried. And the result!!! Wonderful!!!!! She did an awesome job capturing my rainbow mix!!! Well, I'm sorry to let go of my hairdresser after 14 loyal years, but now I have to help my daughters creativity grow!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well the tree finally got picked up. I guess the city didn't realize there would be so many trees put outside, or maybe they didn't know that many people put up real trees..... or maybe........

they didn't get picked up at all and there are Tumble trees running amuck in the neighbourhood....

attacking poor innocent bystanders..... beware of the elusive tumble tree....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Great Idea

One day in December we got a flyer on the door handle saying that the city was going to pick up Christmas trees this year! I thot, "Wow, that's cool! no more messy needles in my car, or being a day too late for the recycling at the fire station. " Anyway..... did anyone else think this was a good idea?? Does anyone elses tree STILL sit out back waiting to picked up a week after the pick up date?? Hmmm, I guess we'll see what happens this Saturday? Will the tree be gone, or will birds start living in it? Time will tell!
P.S. that's the infamous hydro box that the culprits used to hop the fence to get into the neighbors house! Aside from that tho'.... see the tree?
....and more trees??

Monday, January 11, 2010

Breaking News: Break-in Next Door!

We got a knock on the door tonight and were met with some unsettling news.

The neighbours informed us they had a break in. It wasn't a typical break in, however. The burglars didn't get anything. They moved through the house looking for something and bypassed watches, jewelry and laptop computers. Very strange. Maddie's friend got picked up right around the time the break in took place and we are thinking maybe the car spooked them.

The police visited us when they were investigating and asked us if we saw anything (we didn't) and told us a break in during this time was highly unusual. We were thinking that maybe the thieves had watched the house and waited for our neighbours to leave before the attempt.
Hopefully, they will catch this cat burglar.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boxing week

Thankfully there were boxing week sales, since Maddie wasn't here for boxing day. We went to Cross Iron Mills and Maddie found many, many, sales, she got to use all her gift cards, and left with bags full of clothes. I found a few Christmas items on sale for next year.

I just loved these little crooked guys, they perfectly matched Maddie's little crooked tree!!

Me and Maddie at Cross Iron Mills. ( aka; the new mall)
Next, we died Maddie's hair, this year..... Purple!

Friday, January 1, 2010

So what exactly is a Winnipeg extension cord?

When we fell into the deep freeze in December, Selena began speaking about what she called a "Winnpeg Extension Cord". We were lucky enough not to create one of these this winter so far. We were able to to remember to unplug the cars before driving off. Well, yesterday, I glanced out into the street and right in front of our house was a Winnipeg cord! This one was a classic - it was pulled out of the socket from the side and driven over and completely ripped from the blockheater as the cord got stuck under the tires. The person who made this one must be from the 'Peg!