Sunday, March 29, 2020

Two per household

So we just witnessed shoppers drug Mart having to enforce the two packs of toilet paper per household! We went to shoppers drug Mart and saw a guy put toilet paper in his trunk - then went back inside. I jokingly said to Dean " he's going back for more toilet paper" and sure as shit - he was!! The cashier said " you just bought your share I will not sell this to you" so a crying girl is now stating this is for her family he drove her because she doesn't drive and what he bought was for his family. It was quite the kerfuffle!! Then she starts showing people her ID and saying see we don't live together. I said " I don't care, we're all in the same boat, it says two." The cashier was ready to call the cops because they weren't leaving. It was sad but quite comical. I got to witness the panic up close and socially distant first hand!!! 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Social distancing

This is a new word for 2020. One I never thot would be so important! The world is upside down in craziness - panic and downright stupidity in some things. But you know what's still good ? Playing yahtZee with your kid and her man across the miles thru a Facebook portal!!! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


I just recently discovered the term RBF (resting bitch face) I put my own spin on it of course ..... Awhile back Dean bought me a flames jersey, but when you get it monogrammed, you have to wait and pick up at a later date. So we say, no problem, we have a game soon. But that game didn't happen because Maddie can has, and needed her mattress. The only weekend was over a game - no biggy, we have another one. Speed up to march 8 and we go to the game. Find the store we bought it in, no jersey. it must be over on the other side she says..... So we circle around the dome only to find the other store is outside the doors. There is a "not allowed back in" rule.... :-( so with only two games left my jersey is denied and will not be retrieved until after the game. So I get an idea.....  I must go on  a Quest after the 2nd period. Surely there is someone who works here who can grab my jersey from the offlimits outer world? So Dean gets up to get a beer, I snicker to myself that I will complete my quest and sit down with my beloved Mangiapane jersey on my person! So off I go, first remember what section I'm in! Second find the store, third puppy dog eyes someone to help. I'm thinking hard and with my determination showing, who do I run into? Dean !! He's on his own Quest for 50/50 tickets lol but he sees me and is thinking " what's she doing? What's she up to?" Lol so he comes up and I laughed and said "I'm getting my jersey dammit !" Lol he then said I looked so intense .... I said ... That's my QUESTING bitch face lol!!!! P.s. I got my jersey!!!