Thursday, May 16, 2013

Unexpected Target Visit - First Impressions.

I went to new a new client today.  The location just happened to be near a Target that had just opened so I visited out of curiosity.  The first thing you see as soon as you walk in is a Starbucks.  Excellent start! I went straight to the Coke aisle to see if I could find Diet Coke with Lime.  Disappointed.  For some reason, Canada only has Coke, Coke Zero and Diet Coke.  In the states at Target, they have every flavour known to man.  Cherry coke, vanilla coke, cherry vanilla coke, and every other flavour you can imagine is available in the states.  I was hoping that Target would bring that type of variety here.  Not yet.

In their frozen food section, the light in the freezers come on when you approach which is cool.  I made it to the Bluray section where I was pleasantly surprised by their $10 section. Nice!

We always like going to Target in the states so it is nice to be able to go to one here.  But please Target bring in some Diet Coke with Lime!

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