Monday, October 28, 2019

That Time Selena Tried To Buy Some Popcorn

So this a lost blog from a few years ago during a previous trip.

Anyway, Selena wanted to get some popcorn for Maddie to bring home.  It's extremely difficult to find vegan popcorn at this place. Selena picks one and then it has a milk topping. Out. This other one had cheese on it. Out. Another had another disallowed ingredient. The poor popcorn girl really wanted to help.  So she brought out the ingredient Bible.  There's a McDonalds across the way so I'm thinking about a Big Mac maybe.
So Selena takes one look at this big binder and she doesn't have her glasses and says "I can't read." No big. I've heard her use that terminology before. I look back at the Popcorn sales girl and she is giving me a look with lots of mustard on it.  I'm thinking she's exhausted because we are taking all this time to spend 6 bucks on popcorn .

We leave without buying anything.

So on the plane home I'm thinking, why was she looking at me rather than Selena? Selena was being difficult. I just wanted a Big Mac.

Then it hits me.

Selena said "I can't read." She meant to say I don't have my glasses, I can't read your tiny print. The Popcorn Lady took that to mean exactly what Selena said. Selena couldn't READ!

And she was giving me the Look of Death because I knew that and didn't say anything or do anything to help! I was Dorkus Maximus to the Popcorn Lady.

Selena and I had a meeting after this and she agreed if this happens again she would say I Can't See rather than the ambiguous I Can't Read.

There's a BIG difference.

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