Monday, December 16, 2019

The Polar Express!

On Halloween, we went to Mossleigh and we experienced The Terror Train as you know from a previous post.

Selena also discovered they have a slightly less bloody experience called The Polar Express.  If you haven't seen the movie, it's one we watch every year, along with other Christmas classics such as National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Black Christmas and Die Hard.   And yes Die Hard is totally a Christmas movie!

I had no idea what to expect.  The Polar Express is what the kids these days call an "immersive experience".  Not only do you actually travel down the tracks, all the characters are recreated.  It's all there - the dancing, the hot chocolate and Santa Clause.  They are actually licensed to do this so they have all the merchandise to make the experience even more magical. 

I would highly recommend the trip out to Mossleigh and experience Christmas like you never have experienced it before 

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