Sunday, March 29, 2020

Two per household

So we just witnessed shoppers drug Mart having to enforce the two packs of toilet paper per household! We went to shoppers drug Mart and saw a guy put toilet paper in his trunk - then went back inside. I jokingly said to Dean " he's going back for more toilet paper" and sure as shit - he was!! The cashier said " you just bought your share I will not sell this to you" so a crying girl is now stating this is for her family he drove her because she doesn't drive and what he bought was for his family. It was quite the kerfuffle!! Then she starts showing people her ID and saying see we don't live together. I said " I don't care, we're all in the same boat, it says two." The cashier was ready to call the cops because they weren't leaving. It was sad but quite comical. I got to witness the panic up close and socially distant first hand!!! 

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