I received a letter in the mail the other day. Not just a note, but an actual 2 page HAND written letter!! It was like I was back in 5th grade with my PenPals from school. It was a really nice, refreshing, sit by the fireplace and read letter! it inspires me to go hand write something, no offense to blogging or email or the other great, quick ways to communicate, but it was nice to see that we still can find a use for pen and paper! Thankyou Tracy! What a nice surprise in my (old school ) mail box!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Got Golf?
In late 2008, my brother Glenn opened up his Golf Studio. He converted his garage into a complete gold learning centre. When you walk in you soon forget it was once a garage. It features a high speed camera, a swing analysis computer and a 20 foot screen where you can practice your short game, see your swing in slow motion or actually play a round! It is truly a golfers paradise. Congratulations!

Choose your weapon.

Full swing analysis with high speed camera. Your swing
can then be viewed on the big screen for thorough

You can swing full strength just like
you are on the course. This special screen
is made of a bullet resistant material.
Choose your weapon.
Full swing analysis with high speed camera. Your swing
can then be viewed on the big screen for thorough
You can swing full strength just like
you are on the course. This special screen
is made of a bullet resistant material.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What do you get when you enter your name in a cat treat basket, and your cat's name is Lucky? Well you get the basket of course!! The owners of Pet Planet must've had a chuckle over the fact that Lucky won! I'm not sure Lucky would agree.... one of the items was toothpaste and a toothbrush.... but he'll like the treats, and the toys!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
4 City Supper
This blog is a little late, but better late than never :-) So, for my birthday this year, Dean made a surprise dinner. I didn't have a clue, the only hint I got was that there were 4 parts. I was supposed to stay out of the kitchen and he would tell me when to come eat. That was easy since I hurt my back, AGAIN? ( No not laundry this time ) so I was laid up anyway. Long story short..... Dean calls me down to see the first course..... Oysters, and scallops, he says, this is a taste of San Francisco.... aha!! It didn't take long to clue in as to where this was going! Next was deep fried pickles from New Orleans. This is a appetizer that we tried just to say we did, and it was so good, but where do you get them here? So Dean tried his own tricks and they were awesome!! Maddie even liked them!! Next was Washington ( that was a hard one ) and the obvious... New York Steak!! Again like last year, a dinner fit for a Queen!!
New York and Washington, Dang forgot to get a pic of the pickles.... they weren't around long enough!!
For Valentines day I got chocolate and flowers, Gerbers of course like my wedding bouquet, and even tho' this blog is late... my flowers look like they did on the 14th!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Why I always want to carry a camera!
I was working in a operatory fixing a machine when I heard a strange sound. I went to look out the window and this is an artists rendition of what I saw:

Thank-you Maddie for being my sketch artist and recreating what I saw out the windows.
The sound I heard, of course, was that of a horse. The Calgary police have a mounted police program and apparently patrol some of neighbourhoods near downtown on horseback. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise living in Calgary but it just wasnt something I see everyday.

Thank-you Maddie for being my sketch artist and recreating what I saw out the windows.
The sound I heard, of course, was that of a horse. The Calgary police have a mounted police program and apparently patrol some of neighbourhoods near downtown on horseback. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise living in Calgary but it just wasnt something I see everyday.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Tale Of Two Tomato Plants.
We finally got our Aerogarden back up and running and decided to grow tomatoes. We put the seed kits in as instructed and turned the thing on. One seed pod sprouted as normal but the other did not do anything. We had a bad seed kit! Crap. What to do now? Well, Selena is quite the gardening expert and had a brilliant idea. She pruned a little piece of the good plant and put it in the dead pod. Well, it worked! She didn't know if it would grow but it did. Now the garden is quite the tale of opposites. Here are some the photos:

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Scrapbook One.
This Friday and Saturday, Selena went to a "Crop". That's scrapbook street slang for a scrapbook party. Selena and 23 others people gather in a hall and scrapbook for hours and hours feeding off everyone's creative energy. Selena is very excited and I can't wait to see her grand creations. I had to load the Kia which we dubbed "Scrapbook One". Look at all the stuff Selena is taking with her to the crop. Wow!

Loading the Cricut...
Loading the Cricut...
Scrapbook 1
OH MY GOSH!!! I have always wanted.... but never went to a "Crop Weekend". Well, let me tell you, this ONE was AMAZING!! I have a feeling they aren't all like this, and I am spoiled forever from the experience of this one.... let me show you with pictures!!! We scrapped from 6-12 on Friday, and 9-9 on Saturday. It was so much fun, I got so much done, and it was really nice to hang out and scrap with fellow scrappers! 
This is Sue, the mastermind behind the weekend.

Liz, always smilin', scrappin away.

On Saturday afternoon, almost all of us!

Yes, that is a chocolate fountain you see!!

Let me just give the food a quick note.... scrumptious food both days. Friday we had Vietnamese rolls, and a veggie platter and fruit. ( good for Maddie! ) Saturday we had fruit and banana bread, and other goodies for breakfast, this was lunch, soup and Chinese noodles with all the dressings, and a veggie plate. Supper was chili & Caesar salad. And all thru the day there were snacky candies and nuts. I'm sure I've forgotten something, there was so much to remember!

This is almost the whole room, there are tables behind me. Everyone busy workin, and socializing :-)

Moi! waiting for my Cricut cutter to print me beautiful things.

Linda and Gayle, at the store Linda is always the "goto" when the price machine tangles, she was called upon here when Gayle's tape machine got stuck!

Kate and Gloria, I wasn't the only one taking pictures!
This is Sue, the mastermind behind the weekend.
Liz, always smilin', scrappin away.
On Saturday afternoon, almost all of us!
Yes, that is a chocolate fountain you see!!
Let me just give the food a quick note.... scrumptious food both days. Friday we had Vietnamese rolls, and a veggie platter and fruit. ( good for Maddie! ) Saturday we had fruit and banana bread, and other goodies for breakfast, this was lunch, soup and Chinese noodles with all the dressings, and a veggie plate. Supper was chili & Caesar salad. And all thru the day there were snacky candies and nuts. I'm sure I've forgotten something, there was so much to remember!
This is almost the whole room, there are tables behind me. Everyone busy workin, and socializing :-)
Moi! waiting for my Cricut cutter to print me beautiful things.
Linda and Gayle, at the store Linda is always the "goto" when the price machine tangles, she was called upon here when Gayle's tape machine got stuck!
Kate and Gloria, I wasn't the only one taking pictures!
Maddie came with me on Friday and created all kinds of little projects, she had fun so I didn't want to push having her go too many hours! lol, While she likes scrapbooking, I'll take the time she wants to scrap with her mom!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Do you know where you were when.....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pants, Trees and Boots, Oh my!
This is a bit of a lost blog: a forgotten post I meant to do but slipped through the cracks....
In early December, we all went out to select The Christmas Tree. I guess the girls got ready in somewhat of a hurry or do not care what they look like walking around Superstore. When we got home, the girls looked at themselves in the mirror and started to laugh. I asked what the laughter was about and they showed me. Selena and Maddy both had some trouble with wardrobe. Selena had mis-buttoned her jacket and Maddie had trouble with her boots. This is what they were laughing about so we took a pic for the blog.

This reminded me of my own clothing malfunction that happened a few years ago...It was so bad I had to write it down. I present my humiliation for your enjoyment entitled Nice Pants.
“Nice Pants.”
A cautionary tale.
I got an email on Friday morning asking me if the inventory cards were printed so the client could take them to Edmonton on Sunday. Here is the actual email:
Good morning Dean,
[The owner] would like to know if he'll have the cards for Edmonton to be able to take with him when he goes there on Sunday ?
This kind of annoyed me as I had only been given this massive order a few days prior. The job entailed creating about 36,000 cards on 20 different colours of paper rotating through many sets of stock numbers. A massively complex job. It would a few days to prepare the computer files, let alone print! I pleaded my case:
I don’t think so. Because of the colour breakdown – I am still creating the [computer files]. I am going to try and print Edmontons today – but then they have to collated and separated too. I will be working straight through here until it is done. I don’t think I can do all that for Sunday. The rest will be printed on Monday. Then collating. I want to ship it Tues/Wed for Red Deer and Calgary.
The truth was I wasn’t even close to finishing the computer portion of Edmonton’s cards. Since Jesus no longer worked here, there was no way I would have these for Sunday. The customer is always right so I slammed it into overdrive. I worked on the weekend and tried to create most of the computer files needed for Edmonton’s portion of this job. Russ ordered the paper for me on Saturday and Jesus now apparently worked for the paper company. All twenty colours arrived on time on Monday. I was off to the copier place!
Now during all of this, something happened that I was completely unaware of that would lead to a pretty embarrassing moment. It is the purpose of this story. Somewhere during all the running, twisting and driving and stress, something broke down. Usually this kind of breach is dealt with internally. Through various checks and balances, a mistake of this magnitude is caught before one is in the public eye, before it can be discovered by the outside world. But, on this day, the system failed me.
There I was, at the copier place, feeding the print jobs into the copier. 6 pages for this section. Colour switch! 20 pages for that section. Colour switch! And on and on. I had a pretty good relationship with the owner of the copier place and he kindly let me work into the night after the place closed. Another lucky break.
Enter Gary’s (the owner of the copier place) daughter. She had just bought a condo and was checking to see if her Dad had an extra computer lying around she could use temporarily. Gary wanted me to check out this old machine he had in the back. It wouldn’t power up so I got down on my knees to see if it was plugged in. Then she said it. “Nice pants.” And then a joke about how my company should pay me more.
The words kind of flipped past me for a second. I thought I might have missed a belt loop or something. I thought that my pant leg might have been a little frayed. She was smartly dressed so I thought she was extra fussy about style. I untucked my shirt and said something about it being after five so I didn’t “have to be so formal now.” I was busy and had other things to worry about so I went back to the huge task at hand.
Gary left. His daughter left. I was left. Just me and copier. I was pretty good at this job by now. Send computer file. Load right colour of paper in copier. Press start. Only 105 more times to go! As one longer run was going through the copier, I finished the last bit of my “double-double”. It was great there was a Timmy’s nearby. Then nature called. I used the facilities as I usually do with one exception. I looked in the mirror and turned around this time. I wanted to see which belt loop I had missed. There, in all its glory, was a hole the size of Iraq in my pants! This wasn’t just a hole – it was an Act of God. It looked like a cross between an animal bite and an exit hole for a 50mm shell. It looked like my pants had been the victim of a drive-by. Its epicenter was right below the centre belt loop and went about 6 inches south. It was amazing I didn’t feel a draft. It revealed for all to see the colour of my underwear. Gary’s daughter was being quite kind by letting me off with “Nice pants.” I silently promised to send her flowers if she hadn’t already called the police. In about two milliseconds, I mentally retraced my steps and scoured my memory for all public places I had been that day. Ping! Tim Horton’s. I had stood there for a good ten minutes waiting for a sandwich with my back to the seating area. I returned to the copier and took solace in the fact that this story would be funny.…eventually.
In early December, we all went out to select The Christmas Tree. I guess the girls got ready in somewhat of a hurry or do not care what they look like walking around Superstore. When we got home, the girls looked at themselves in the mirror and started to laugh. I asked what the laughter was about and they showed me. Selena and Maddy both had some trouble with wardrobe. Selena had mis-buttoned her jacket and Maddie had trouble with her boots. This is what they were laughing about so we took a pic for the blog.
This reminded me of my own clothing malfunction that happened a few years ago...It was so bad I had to write it down. I present my humiliation for your enjoyment entitled Nice Pants.
“Nice Pants.”
A cautionary tale.
I got an email on Friday morning asking me if the inventory cards were printed so the client could take them to Edmonton on Sunday. Here is the actual email:
Good morning Dean,
[The owner] would like to know if he'll have the cards for Edmonton to be able to take with him when he goes there on Sunday ?
This kind of annoyed me as I had only been given this massive order a few days prior. The job entailed creating about 36,000 cards on 20 different colours of paper rotating through many sets of stock numbers. A massively complex job. It would a few days to prepare the computer files, let alone print! I pleaded my case:
I don’t think so. Because of the colour breakdown – I am still creating the [computer files]. I am going to try and print Edmontons today – but then they have to collated and separated too. I will be working straight through here until it is done. I don’t think I can do all that for Sunday. The rest will be printed on Monday. Then collating. I want to ship it Tues/Wed for Red Deer and Calgary.
The truth was I wasn’t even close to finishing the computer portion of Edmonton’s cards. Since Jesus no longer worked here, there was no way I would have these for Sunday. The customer is always right so I slammed it into overdrive. I worked on the weekend and tried to create most of the computer files needed for Edmonton’s portion of this job. Russ ordered the paper for me on Saturday and Jesus now apparently worked for the paper company. All twenty colours arrived on time on Monday. I was off to the copier place!
Now during all of this, something happened that I was completely unaware of that would lead to a pretty embarrassing moment. It is the purpose of this story. Somewhere during all the running, twisting and driving and stress, something broke down. Usually this kind of breach is dealt with internally. Through various checks and balances, a mistake of this magnitude is caught before one is in the public eye, before it can be discovered by the outside world. But, on this day, the system failed me.
There I was, at the copier place, feeding the print jobs into the copier. 6 pages for this section. Colour switch! 20 pages for that section. Colour switch! And on and on. I had a pretty good relationship with the owner of the copier place and he kindly let me work into the night after the place closed. Another lucky break.
Enter Gary’s (the owner of the copier place) daughter. She had just bought a condo and was checking to see if her Dad had an extra computer lying around she could use temporarily. Gary wanted me to check out this old machine he had in the back. It wouldn’t power up so I got down on my knees to see if it was plugged in. Then she said it. “Nice pants.” And then a joke about how my company should pay me more.
The words kind of flipped past me for a second. I thought I might have missed a belt loop or something. I thought that my pant leg might have been a little frayed. She was smartly dressed so I thought she was extra fussy about style. I untucked my shirt and said something about it being after five so I didn’t “have to be so formal now.” I was busy and had other things to worry about so I went back to the huge task at hand.
Gary left. His daughter left. I was left. Just me and copier. I was pretty good at this job by now. Send computer file. Load right colour of paper in copier. Press start. Only 105 more times to go! As one longer run was going through the copier, I finished the last bit of my “double-double”. It was great there was a Timmy’s nearby. Then nature called. I used the facilities as I usually do with one exception. I looked in the mirror and turned around this time. I wanted to see which belt loop I had missed. There, in all its glory, was a hole the size of Iraq in my pants! This wasn’t just a hole – it was an Act of God. It looked like a cross between an animal bite and an exit hole for a 50mm shell. It looked like my pants had been the victim of a drive-by. Its epicenter was right below the centre belt loop and went about 6 inches south. It was amazing I didn’t feel a draft. It revealed for all to see the colour of my underwear. Gary’s daughter was being quite kind by letting me off with “Nice pants.” I silently promised to send her flowers if she hadn’t already called the police. In about two milliseconds, I mentally retraced my steps and scoured my memory for all public places I had been that day. Ping! Tim Horton’s. I had stood there for a good ten minutes waiting for a sandwich with my back to the seating area. I returned to the copier and took solace in the fact that this story would be funny.…eventually.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Munroe At Glenbow
Finally we have a blog post!! There is a big gap in our story, not one post in January and February is almost over!!
We went to the Glenbow Museum to see the Marilyn Munroe, exhibit. It was excellent! There were some really whacked out interpretations of Marilyn in what is called art ( I guess ) but there is a gallery of photos of her, that are just amazing. We got to see a half hour video of her life,which was very interesting, and we saw some of her actual gowns that she wore. One replica that was there was the famous white dress, that gets blown up into the air over the subway gusts. But the rest were real. Maddie made a really cool picture of her in the kids area, it resembles Warhols famous work of art. So here are a few pics, no cameras aloud inside the museum tho. :-(
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