Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scrapbook 1

OH MY GOSH!!! I have always wanted.... but never went to a "Crop Weekend". Well, let me tell you, this ONE was AMAZING!! I have a feeling they aren't all like this, and I am spoiled forever from the experience of this one.... let me show you with pictures!!! We scrapped from 6-12 on Friday, and 9-9 on Saturday. It was so much fun, I got so much done, and it was really nice to hang out and scrap with fellow scrappers!
This is Sue, the mastermind behind the weekend.

Liz, always smilin', scrappin away.

On Saturday afternoon, almost all of us!

Yes, that is a chocolate fountain you see!!

Gayle and Donna caught red handed ( or is it chocolate handed??)

or is it chocolate chinned??

Let me just give the food a quick note.... scrumptious food both days. Friday we had Vietnamese rolls, and a veggie platter and fruit. ( good for Maddie! ) Saturday we had fruit and banana bread, and other goodies for breakfast, this was lunch, soup and Chinese noodles with all the dressings, and a veggie plate. Supper was chili & Caesar salad. And all thru the day there were snacky candies and nuts. I'm sure I've forgotten something, there was so much to remember!

This is almost the whole room, there are tables behind me. Everyone busy workin, and socializing :-)

Moi! waiting for my Cricut cutter to print me beautiful things.

Linda and Gayle, at the store Linda is always the "goto" when the price machine tangles, she was called upon here when Gayle's tape machine got stuck!

Kate and Gloria, I wasn't the only one taking pictures!

Maddie came with me on Friday and created all kinds of little projects, she had fun so I didn't want to push having her go too many hours! lol, While she likes scrapbooking, I'll take the time she wants to scrap with her mom!

My 2 table buddies. Jeanne and Lisa. We all worked together nicely and made sure no one ran with scissors! Between the 3 of us, the back wall was covered with our big storage units!

The free for all table, this was the equipment we could share. ( I hope, cause I was using it! )

Miss Maddie hard at work
The other mother/daughter team. Elisa and mom Heather. After a few days of scrappin, you just need to..... well... THAT!
I've said it before and I'll say it again.... Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou everyone for an awesome weekend. Especially Sue!! You Rock!!

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