Saturday, November 7, 2009

Play day with Maddie

Maddie had Friday off and so did I so I told her to find some fun free things to do on Friday. She came up with a list that consisted of games, building Lego, make play dough and the first on the list was make monsters.

She got a kit last year that had all kinds of cute little monsters in it, so from that idea, we suddenly were making a quilt with monsters on it, and in it.... I'll explain in a sec.

I have a box of old jeans that I had been collecting for a picnic blanket, nothing is more durable than jean. I had saved the pockets, some buttons, and some patches also for decorating. So that is what we are using for the monsters. They can be lurking in the pockets..... hehehe

We ran out of supplies before the day was over, so this project will have to continue, but so far, it's really cute. I need some colored jeans now..... may have to go to Value Village and hunt down some!!

the start of it all.....

yes that says... "curious creatures for immature adults" hey if the shoe fits.....

a couple of the monsters....

Maddie's favorite... the bat-cat :-)
We'll have to update you with the finished product!


Megan C said...

OOooh you were right. . . that quilt IS cute!

Dean and Selena said...

Hehe now we need more jeans!! We'll be on the lookout!