Sunday, January 31, 2010

My NEW year...starting now

Everywhere I look, and I mean everywhere, there is a picture a day, a craft a day, a veiw a day a blog a day, you get my drift... why is this year so important to document everything by the day for the year 2010???? The other day we watched Julie and Julia. Great movie BTW, but, is this where the inspiration comes to do something every day for a year?? Not wanting to be left off this band wagon, I have decided to ALSO do a thing a day... my year will have to start in February, and since I was born in February, that technically is the start of MY year. So, what shall I do???? I think I will do a picture a day, of something that peaks my interest or makes me smirk.... that's it, that's my goal, starting Feb 1 I will begin my quest, now the big question is??? do I drag ALLLLL of our readers into it?? or start a new blog for this project..... hmmmm

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