Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Did You Know....?

I think the year was 1979 or so. I was still less than a decade on this earth and nothing really, really exciting happens at that age. Except when the McDonald's came to town. In the town of Midland, Ontario (pop. 12000 at the time), it was a major event.

One day, my brother and I were eating there and I put the fries in the other side of the burger as pictured above. My brother saw me do this and decided to inject himself into a Trivial Pursuit question saying, "You know, I invented that. Now everyone's doing it." My brother delivered that declaration in a way that made me instantly believe it. Sure enough, I looked around the restaurant and everyone was doing it. I thought that was pretty cool.

Everytime I go to McDonald's, I always think about my brother's place in McDonald's history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I can verify the truth of this event because I was there. Dean's creative brother hahaha