Friday, April 23, 2010

Voices from the Highschool

We were entertained tonight by a bunch of high school kids, who, in a heart felt, emotional play stunned the audience. These kids tonight, touched on every subject, joyous and painful that goes on, in the life of a teenager! I cried ( no surprise) and I laughed and I was proud of the hard work these teens put in tonight! For weeks, Maddie has stayed at school late for rehearsals, she has recited her lines in the shower, and gave up all social activities for pretty much 2 months... and it was soooo worth it tonight! Dean's parents came up for the play, and we saw a few familiar faces in the audience in support of Maddie, it was wonderful to see :-) It was an awesome play! Tonight was the last performance after 7 shows. It was well received and well deserved.

These are... The voices from the highschool
their beloved teacher and director, Mr Doyle

a very proud Mommy :-) and an equally proud daughter

proud grandparents, the Proud Dean is behind the camera


Liz said...

I was in that play when I was in HS. I was the pregnant cheerleader, that got cancer!! I also kissed some dude in another scene, but I forgot what that was about!

Liz said...

oh ya I forgot!!! YAY Maddie!