Monday, July 15, 2013

Stampede Round up

Today is the last day of Stampede 101. Here is a rundown of our timeline....

Thursday June 20, it started to rain.

Friday June 21 we were in a state of emergency. 
Calgary Stampede grounds are under water.

Sunday June 23 press conferences bring about the saying "Come Hell or High Water" 
the Stampede will go on.

Monday June 24 there is a Tweet about shirts being made saying "Stampede 101 Hell or High Water"
 We immediately order our shirts. 
We start going to Scottsman's Hill to see the progress of the grounds.

Tuesday June 25 we snap the Cowboy pic at Scottsman's Hill

Thursday June 27. Dean's Birthday.
Amazing progress on the grounds.

We walked to Eau Claire and saw the silt still covering the walkways.

Saturday June 29 2AM the work doesn't stop at the grounds.

Sunday June 30, before and after Maddie's birthday we went to see the progress. 
The track is almost finished.

They start testing the lights on the grand stand stage!

Monday July 1 - Canada day we receive our hand delivered Hell or High water shirts!!

This is where the bug is parked every night while we overlook the grounds.

The rides arrive, and they start to set them up

Friday July 5 Holly takes me as her guest to the Parade. 

Amazingly the parade does NOT have to reroute.... it takes the same streets as always!

That night Dean and I go to the Evening show, Chuck races and Grand Stage show

It pours for 3 hours... the track is soup but the race goes on. 

Luckily the rain stops in time for the Show to go on!! And it was fabulous!
Attendance tonight 67,615. ( the rain hit hard )  

Tuesday July 9 We get a bonus day at Stampede.

Tried Deep fried Butter!! Oh my gosh soooo good!!! 
Like a mini cinnamon bun so yummy!

Maddie took her break with us. 

Inside the BMO center, watching bronze statues come to life. 

It starts to get dark, and the lights come alive

Lots of Minions to win this year!

Saddledome.... Closed

We stayed for the fireworks. Attendance 115,169 Nice!!

Thursday July 11 our day at the grounds like royalty!
 Part of the package, look at that parking spot!

$80.00 worth of drink tickets! 

Cheers! Yahoooo

Rodeo show, cowboys from above, fireworks, and the show is on

The Canadian flag skydivers

another part of our package, all we can eat grandstand food, delivered to our seats!!

Broncing bucks... 

Maddie's booth won best drink award!!!

a new food truck.... Mac and Cheese 

Reel Mac and Cheese, all the food had movie titles,
 I was debating between Some like it hot, and The Main Event, Some like it hot won.. 

Our Matching "Uniform" Attendance 103,648

Off to Dianne's Stampede party, Kevin and Erica, Dianne me and Craig. 
It turned really cold, really fast, so we had to retreat home.

Saturday July 13 Me and Maddie went to a Stampede Breakfast. Nenshi did the opening YaHoo!!

Quick bite then off to work for Maddie.

And that was our Stampede Experience....

Final attendance for the Stampede, that went on 10 days after being flooded was a whopping 1,133,050 WOW!!!!!
Congratz to the Calgary Stampede an amazing Stampede this year, and from the grounds view... you wouldn't have known it was covered in mud. water and silt a week before! Beautiful Job!!

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