Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ding Dong

So when is it safe to answer the door? One day someone will be in real stress and they won't be able to get help. Usually if someone comes to the door, and I'm not expecting anyone, or there isn't a delivery van outside, I ignore the doorbell. Salespeople and census is usually all I'm missing. But twice in 2 weeks, I got sucked into answering the door. Maddie comes home at 3:30 ish, and always rings the bell, cause her key is at the bottom of her purse. So I look at the clock and if it's in the time zone I don't think. Last week a guy said that he was selling home alarms. He's sold to many of my neighbors already he claims.... I hmphed him and said, "we have an alarm". This week a new ploy. A man with a muddy dog says "Is this your dog, do you know who's dog it is"? From a crack in the door I say "no". Now, were these real situations? Were these ploys to get the door open? I always lecture Maddie on the tricks "bad people" use to lure kids into trouble, and then I go and open my house to a stranger!! That's it! I refuse to answer the door anymore. If anyone is coming over... you will have to call from your cell and say " Ding Dong, answer your door, it's me"

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