Monday, September 14, 2009

Discovery Lands....

The space shuttle Discovery landed safely in California on Friday after bad weather in Florida prevented it from landing there. We were more interested in this mission because we actually got to see Discovery on the launch pad here:

Also, during our lunch with astronaut Jon McBride he mentioned that NASA hates it when the shuttle lands in California because it costs 2 million dollars for the shuttle to fly back to California and that's exactly what happened on this mission.

We also have got in the habit lately of watching the space shuttle as well as the International Space Station fly over Calgary at night. It is a fascinating sight!

It happens a couple of times a night.

NASA actually has a webpage for Calgary that tells you exactly when you can see these flyovers:

Here is a pic of international space station as it flew over Calgary tonight at 9:16pm. It was visible for three minutes.

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