Thursday, September 3, 2009


I was running around downtown on Tuesday to a dental office - a pretty normal thing for me to do on a Tuesday afternoon. Every once in a while something out of the ordinary happens.

I parked my car, crossed the downtown streets and disappeared into one of the skyscrapers. I completed my dental mission in about 15 minutes and retraced my steps back to my car. Except something was very different now on the streets. In the 15 minutes while I was in the dental office, a huge parade has broken out. It came down 3rd and it cut downtown in half. It backed up traffic for miles. Cool! I snapped these photos with my camera phone as I knew this was bloggable.

Tony the Tiger playing with the cops and getting arrested.

The whole thing kind of reminded me of one of my favourite movie scenes of all time from Ferris Buellers Day Off:

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