Monday, September 7, 2009

Rocky Horror Newbs!

Maddie and I partook in something utterly amazing last night, or rather this morning as it started after midnight. We went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now, this has been one of my favorite movies of all time, and growing up in Winnipeg I took the theater that played it every Friday for granted, never going, always having tomorrow. Then I moved, and trying to find a partner to go to the movie with got harder and harder. Then one day Maddie pulled the movie out of the pile and asked what's this? We watched it, and like the chip off the old block that she is, had an instant love for the movie. Since that fact, we have tried to track down when it plays in Calgary to go to it. We missed it in Montana one year by a week, and haven't had any luck until tonight. We went in costume, because it's what you do, and it adds to the fun. Maddie went as none other that Frankenfurter himself, I went as Columbia, ( as far as my supplies would allow, but Maddie was bang on!) we had our props consisting of :
Newspaper, water pistol, toast, cards, a light, a noise maker, rubber gloves, bubbles, and a roll of toilet paper. We got there early and had our tickets already bought online, so we got the front of the house. We were ready... we were excited, and then.... we found out we were missing a WHOLE part of the experience. We did NOT know the audience yelled back at the screen between the lines. Not yelling the next line, a whole other script that fits between. Here is an example..(the audience part is in orange...."There are those who say life is an illusion, LIKE YOUR NECK! that reality is simply a figment of the imagination. LIKE YOUR NECK! If this is so, then Brad and Janet are quite safe. HOWEVER. However, the sudden departure ... the lines were hilarious, and having seen the movie many times ourselves, it didn't matter if we couldn't hear every word on screen, but HOW much fun this added to the movie is immeasurable!! We did dance to the time warp, and we threw toast, and wore the newspaper, and sang the songs... but apparently, we have our homework cut out for us!!! All in all, it was FANTASTIC! and I'm so glad my "little me" enjoys it like I do! :-)

Finally the day I've waited for!

ready, set, go...

Janet and Eddie

before the movie started the "Fake Mustaches" came on, they lipsinced to songs and acted them out, they were really good!!

5 seconds to lips....

thru out the movie there were scenes that actors played on the stage. Some of them were funny, like pulling on Frankenfurter's coat, and he kicks his leg up, so the person on stage falls back..

the sinister stage show in the movie, where all the characters are like puppets, and are now all wearing Franknfurters outfit...

thru the credits one more dance of Time Warp with everyone....

those seats aren't empty, the people are dancing, it was a sold out show tonight. Perfect ending to the day... and I can't express in words how FUNit was!!!!!! :-)

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