so, I'm sitting at the computer today, and an email comes
thru' " you have been outbid" I scratch my head??
Hmmm Maddie must be bidding on an item?" so I go to the site and add .50 cents to the bid. "There", I think, good Mommy, and I smile to myself. Half an hour later there is another email,"you have been outbid" "oh no" I think, so I add another .50 cents. That should be good I think and walk away. Another half hour.... email again...... NO!! outbid again....
grrrr who is this person outbidding my Maddie??? so I add .50 cents AGAIN, there is one hour left.... we'll see what happens. 30 minutes left..... email, out bid!
GRRRR .50 cents....... 20 minutes... outbid!!!! .50 cents..... now I wait...... like a cat creeping in the grass, I open the other screen and have the countdown clock on one side.... and my next bid ready to send at the last minute...... tick tick..... 2 minutes..... 20 seconds..... .50 cents hit send........ get ready to jump....
YAY I win the bid. :-) phew,
tough work! So I text Maddie, "were you bidding on anything today?? all excited to tell her the news.... and she texts back.... no I just put them on watch!!???
LOL well, she won them anyway!
Maddie saw a pair of these in an antique store and didn't get them, she kept talking about them and so when these were up for bid, I just assumed .... lol oh well, she'll love them anyway and find a use for them :-)