Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kate's Farewell

Well, Miss Kate who has worked at the store for 6 years, has worked her last week. She is moving onto greener places. This may be the end for the store.... but not for the friendship. Maybe without all the class planning, we will get to see her more... this crazy bunch is just too much fun to stay away from. Most of the night was spent laughing.... so much so, I wasn't able to focus, we'll all have sore cheeks from all the giggling!

all the pretty toenails, not one the same color, and those awesome sexy shoes, are Gloria's!

see what did I tell ya.... laughing!

aw, Jeanne and Gloria :-)

Carolyn had to hold down the fort at the store, so she arrived late. We greeted her in the street!

the weather was turning, so out came the towels! Saskatchewan tonight was getting hail the size of golfballs.... so I guess we didn't fair too badly!

Kate was dancing here, ...for her wine! We will miss working with you Kate, but we'll see you soon at the next gathering :-)


Liz said...

It was so much fun, we have to get together more often, let's not wait till the next person is done lol!!
Great pics Selena!

Dean and Selena said...

Ya I think we need to do a monthly gathering!! That was so much fun!!

Liz said...

I'm in!!!!