Thursday, May 29, 2008

Laundry strikes again!

Oh for heaven's sakes? What does my laundry room have against me? First I twisted my back/neck by putting clothes in the dryer, this time my hair got stuck on something?

I was trying to get the items that had fallen behind the dryer. 4 paper towel rolls, and a piece of tupperware. So I hopped up on the dryer and with one of those grabby things?, you know the pinchers at the end and you squeeze a handle? anyway, it was all working fine. I Had retrieved 3 of the rolls but I couldn't grab the last one so I was coming back to find something else to use, when, my hair was stuck on something sticking thru the shelf. I couldn't see it, and I couldn't tell how badly it was caught in my hair? I imagined Dean or Maddie coming home and finding me still caught there, but after struggling with it, and getting it loose from the clip in my hair, and untangling my hair at the same time, I was finally free.

I tell ya, I think I'm giving up on laundry. 3 strikes and I'm done!!! Who knows what that room has in store for me next!


Russ said...

This is not fair!
Dean, you claim that Selena doesn't do laundry.
What is going on here?

Dean and Selena said...

No No No Russs! Are you trying to get me in trouble? You misunderstood. I said Selena doesn't launder money. ( Anymore). Sorry to be unclear.