Friday, May 16, 2008

Oh yes we did!!

OK, those who know me, and have a seen a glimpse of any scrapbooking I have done, will not be surprised by what I am about to say. I am a pack rat. I save every piece of memorabilia from everywhere important to me. I am the farthest thing from a "photographic mind". I need to SEE, in front of me, everything. When a memory is in my hands, I'm happy! so..... then understanding all of this about me, you will see why we turned the Blog.... into a Book!! Oh yes we did. Dean found a printing company online called Lulu, who will take the PDF's that you send them, and print out a bound, "professional looking" book, with your own hard cover design on it!!!! This is the greatest thing I have ever heard of since sliced bread! Every blog entry, and yes the comments too, from Dec 1 to April 19 2008 are in this book! What else can I turn into a book? I must go look!!!

If anyone else in interested in publishing a book you can go to Lulu also, if anyone was interested you can order our book there too!! LOL

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