Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Technology Make Me Dumber Sometimes.

We were leaving for Edmonton and doing the usual scurrying around before we left. Ok - I was scurrying around, Selena and Maddie were born travellers and can prepare to go anywhere in about 60 seconds. They were already in the car!

Doing my last minute checklist, I came across the fact that I did not know how to get to our hotel in Edmonton. First rule of Travel Club: Know Where You Are Going. Ah! Technology to the rescue. Google maps provided me with directions on exactly how to get to our hotel. Great. Oh no! My wife has turned off her computer so I can't print it. I don't want to wait for it to boot up just for this. Hmm. What should I do? A real conundrum. Do I email it to my blackberry? Hmmm. Can I do that? What else can I do? Should I just wait for the computer to boot up? What ever shall I do?

Then suddenly, a thought popped into my head.

What did people do before they had printers to get things on paper?

Merlin's Beard! They WROTE THINGS DOWN. So I sheepishly copied the directions onto the paper in ten seconds without the help the internet, email, print servers or colour laser printers.


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