Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Should You Care about the Large Hadron Collider?

No! But if you want to read about it, you can:

Every two centuries or so, physicists do something interesting - this is one of those times. Kind of.
But actually the Large Hadron Collider reminded me of the reading kick Selena and I got on this summer. We read Dan Brown's three other books - Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress and Deception Point. In case you are a physicist who has been working on the Large Hadron Collider and have been too busy to read or go to movies, Dan Brown is best known for his book The DaVinci Code. If you haven't already, you really need to read Dan Brown's other books. They are addicting page turners. We just could not put them down.

Are you wondering why I am talking about physicists and my reading habits? Is there a point to this post? Why yes, maybe there is.
You should read Angels and Demons, not only do you get an amazing story, you also get a mini-course on just exactly what a Large Hadron Collider is and why so many advanced degreeing smart people are freaking out over this Wednesday's test of this device. The book is awesome and just writing this makes me want to read it again.

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