Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well, Miss Maddie is finally alllllll better!! First it was Strep throat then we found out she was allergic to penicillin, so rather than curing her it was poisoning her! But the Dr's figured it out, and now she is back to herself, talking a hundred miles an hour, and not just in her delirium sleeptalk, but real conversations. Since she has rarely been sick in 14 years, and nothing like this, I figure she's good for another 14! So let's see, what happened the last 2 weeks, not much, we've been kind house bound. We found a strange thing in the yard the other day tho.... and oddly enough Maddie started to get better right around the same time... I think we had a visitor, a secret visitor.... named Mary Poppins! ( you know, the whole spoonful of sugar making the medicine go down thing ....)

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