Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Day Global Warming Died.

Remember all the Y2k hype? The legend that foretold all the world's computers would shut down at the stroke of midnight January 1, 2000?

The Great Global Warming Debate feels the same to me. I have been immersed in the computer world since 1982 when my brother lost interest in his newly acquired $800 Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer. My career choice was made way back then but it took me only 16 more years to realize it. In 1999, all the hype about all these computers crashing just did not make sense. I knew the wrong date simply could not create the electronic devastation all the experts of the day were saying. And even if it could, a quick software patch would fix the problem and life would go on. And we all know it did.

I had a moment today that removed all my doubts about Global Warming being in any way man made. The planet cools and warms in cycles as it always has and there is not a thing we can do about it. Energy conservation is a great thing but pointless hysteria is not.

On to my moment - I was sitting here reading a wonderful Christmas gift, How Starbucks Saved My Life, when I heard what my brain identified as part motorcycle part chainsaw coming down the formerly quiet street. I had to go to the front window and see the face of crazy. Maybe a mishap would find this person who would go out on this skating rink on only two wheels. However, the sight that greeted me was not some rum and egg nog inspired crazy trying to accidentally entertain me. The moment I saw it, I knew that apocalyptic man made global warming does not exist.

The vehicle shot passed at a pretty good clip. I sensed a blog opportunity so I hoped the pilot of the rig would swing round again so I could photograph this vehicular anomaly. Well, he did and you can see I managed to hastily snap a photo of the object my brain first identified as a motorcycle:

When a snowmobile passes in front of your house in what is supposed to be a place where green house gases are supposedly produced with suicidal abandon, it may be a sign that while the world may cease to exist some day, Mother Nature in the form of man made global warming is not how it will happen.

Sorry, Mr. Gore. But Y3K is only 991 years away.

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