Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scrapbookers Christmas Party

Our Christmas party for Scrapbookers Paradise was last night. Thank you Shari for offering your house for the party! It was nice to have space this year :-) last time it was in the store and a little cramped! But this year we were in Christmas town Shari style. Her decorating was beautifully done. You just couldn't see everything in one visit! She had 3 Christmas trees decorated too!

tree 1...

tree 2....
tree 3....

adding goodies to the bags of mystery... this is one of the coolest things to do for a Christmas party, 13 of us each made, bought, or gathered 13 items and placed one in each bag, in the end you got 13 random, cool little gifts .

as always the food is AMAZING!!

Linda L made the cutest cookies I've ever seen!

Now the games begin, we bring a secret Santa gift and each person is given a card. The lowest number picks a gift from under the tree and opens it, the next person can either pick a new gift from under the tree or STEAL someone else's.... my card was #2, very low on the totem pole, the gift I picked was a blanket with gloves and a scarf. I really wanted the blanket, but "some" people were out to take it from me... here is Kate seeing how soft it is... she wouldn't believe me when I said it was scritchy and rough......

Dianne moving in for the steal, trying out the goods to see if that's what she'll steal

Gloria trying to hide her goods so they won't get stolen....

Gayle checking out my blanket.... ahem.... get your paws off.....

Kate had the Golden touch tonight, every gift she opened was stolen from her.....on the bright side, she got to open allot!

Megan and Jeanne sitting pretty by the fireplace, they were really plotting.... especially Jeanne since she had the 2nd best card!

what will Jeanne steal? At some point during the night, Dianne stole my blanket, so I stole Kate's snowman, once again Kate lost her gift, so Jeanne stole the snowman from me, and in a quick turn of events I was able to steal the blanket back from Dianne!!! Sometimes even getting the low cards can come in handy!
This is Dianne crying after she had to give up the blanket...back to it's rightful owner might I

but she got a really cool journal instead.

Carolyn was the lucky one tonight and had her pick of the gifts, since the blanket was bought by her, my blanket was safe!

Gloria passed out our Christmas cards and everyone sighed that we could keep our gifts now, you just can't get too attached to anything until the last person has picked!!
Afterwards we went into the dining room and shared stamps, and colored. Since I don't own any of the cool markers that everyone at the store has, I had to use Shari's, which means even after everyone had left, I kept Shari up til my page was done!
Another successful party from the scrapbook gals :-)


Liz said...

I'm sad I missed it!

Dean and Selena said...

We're sad you missed it too, we missed you :-(