Thursday, December 3, 2009

If You Fly There, They Will Phone.

Something really strange happened at work today.

I work with dental offices maintaining their computers and software. My business partner, Cameron, developed some software that allows patients to confirm their dental appointments over email rather than over the phone. It is called (what else?) ConfirmByEmail -

Cameron is out of the office today as he is helping a friend import a car from the US. This morning Cameron flew to Dallas. This same morning we received a call from Advanced Family Dental asking about ConfirmByEmail. Can you guess where this dental office is located? In fact, the dental office is a mere 13 kilometeres from where Cameron landed today. This close:
(click to enlarge)

What is the mathematical probability of getting a call from a dental office in the same city where Cameron just happens to be today? The mind boggles.

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