Saturday, December 12, 2009

under every tree

I have a feeling this item will be under every tree this year. Awhile back Maddie had mentioned that this would be kewl to own, she eats lots of veggies as you would guess, salads, stirfrys, all things that include items to chopped small. So we checked them out at the "new mall" ( which will probably called the New Mall til the end of time ) in Balzac, and they had a wall of them, the commercial running, people milling around telling their loved ones what they would chop in it... but we left and forgot about it for awhile. Then we were reminded with the technology of TV, even fast forwarding the PVR, we still got a glimpse of it. So we head to the "New Mall" again... and the wall of slap chops is gone! sitting alone is one broken box on it's side.... we scooped it up quickly, looked over our shoulder to make sure we weren't going to be attacked from approaching shoppers, and made our way to the till. We checked everything, and all items were accounted for. We got home and made nachos (tip: don't try and do cheese! ) but the jalapenos were chopped in a second with no burning hands!! So I must admit this little device works as good as they say, made stew last night..... chop, chop, chop!! So, if your planning on getting one, get it quick, they seem to be selling like hotcakes!!

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