Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I have permission to blog this 2

So as you know my birthday was last week. There was a funny little thing that happened, but I had to wait to blog it until I GOT PERMISSION.....hehe so now I can share. We were all sitting around the table and I was opening gifts.... and cards. So I open Valentine's stuff first, then birthday. I open my sweet Birthday card, that is singing away as soon as you open it.... so cute
then I read what Dean has written, and I smile... he's so sweet... then I read what the card says, now I am smirking.. I ask him if he read the card? he says yes? and he loved the fact that it sang.... so I passed the card around the table, not saying a word, and waiting for everyone else one by one to catch on.... Maddie laughs, passes it to Nana, she laughs passes it to Papa... and then we all laugh together. Dean was so happy about the singing he forgot that I am his WIFE not his HUSBAND! But I still love the card... I spent the whole day being called Hubby tho!

1 comment:

Dean and Selena said...

The cover of the card was perfect! And I was among a crowd of people when I bought it - so I opened it and it sang quite loudly so I had to slam it shut so I didn't have time to completely read it! That's my excuse. And my husband is very understanding and I thank her for laughing at this!