Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My favorite Google find

Many times I have clicked the fun little Google Image button to find many things. it helps with Digital scrapbooking and sometimes just for fun, to see what's out there. Well this is the first time I have used the button for history. I'm doing a heritage album and there are tons of pictures that have mystery people in them. But this one picture was intriguing. There was a picture of a parade in Winnipeg of someone "royal". From my Grandpa's picture it was hard to tell which Royal person was here. You see, just as the car drove by the person in front of my Grandpa tipped his hat... and that's all you see. Back then they didn't take 40 pictures of one angle, they had to wait weeks, to get the pictures back and cross their fingers that they all turned out. In this case, they didn't. Can you imagine standing in a hot dusty road for hours only to have your one and only shot ruined? It did prove that chivalry was alive and well back then tho.
but now comes the Google part. I thot I'd try finding more info on this event. And I found out that in 1938 King George visited Winnipeg. That would have been a cool picture... so now loaded with some info I clicked over to Google Images... and OMG!

I found a picture that looks like it was taken by a person standing right beside my Grandpa! So now I can add this picture to my album... thankyou whoever took the pic. You have made this my favorite Google Find!

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