Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Bunny strikes again

I thot it would be Maddie waking me up early to go on an Easter egg hunt this morning... but it was a woodpecker... ( maybe revenge for falling in the fire ) anyway at 8AM I heard knock - knock - knock... assuming it was Maddie, but no she was peacefully slumbering on the couch where we left her. So.... I woke HER up hehehehe, but she wasn't upset when I told her I heard the Easter bunny this morning.... so off she galloped outside to find her treasures. She tisketed and tasketed thru the trees, and found all her goodies.

it was a tall bunny this year..... we're in deer country.......

some on the deck

hands full....

hiding behind the illegal Kinder Eggs!! They don't have those in the Bunny travelled all the was from Canada to bring those special eggs!!

aw too cute

Tom and Jerry boat race from he Kinder Egg

this was the treasure from yesterday, perfectly mint condition Coke Bottle from the 50"s!! Too kewl!!!

the rest of the treasure.

Happy Easter everyone.. may your day be filled with chocolate!!

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