Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Answer To The Most Important Question of the Day!

The answer to the poll question! Maddy and Dean share a passion for this food:


Glorious chips. Here is a pictoral tribute to mankind's greatest invention - the potato chip:

The anytime-anywhere food. Breakfast? CHIPS! Lunch? CHIPS! Christmas Dinner? CHIPS! CHIPS! CHIPS!
Except these:

I never liked or understood why ketchup chips ever caught on. They are an insult to this great creation. Anyway - a new poll is up so go vote while I go and find some more chips!


Anonymous said...

I hate ketchup potato chips!!!!!!!Annabel

Dean and Selena said...

Anne!! Nice to see you on the comment space! Dean agrees with you, but they happen to be MY favorite chip!! lol, He calls them an abomination!

Dean and Selena said...

Ketchup chips are a freak of nature and yes very much an abomination!

Russ said...

I'm afraid I have to side with Selena here. Ketchup chips are one of the best chips ever. The only thing that makes me mad, is that I can't find them in ripple. Mmmm mmmm gooood. A close second would have to be creamy dill. Dean, you don't know.

Dean and Selena said...

Well, that's rather frustrating to hear Russ. I definintely didn't create this post for it to become a shrine to Ketchup chips! See? Nothing good can come from them!

Dean and Selena said...

Yay Russy!!!! We know :-) I'm going to add Ketchup chips ( capitalized because they are important) to the State of the Union menu!!

Anonymous said...

Ketchup chips rock, It those stupid chicken flavour chips that are stupid. And why can't you find Catsup Chips???

Dean and Selena said...

I guess I know why the stupid ketchup chip caught on now...I am very sorry I asked. I agree with the chicken flavour and smoky bacon is another bad one...And what were they thinking with Steak and onion??? Still all these flavors do pale in comparison to ketchup!

Dean and Selena said...

Wow - this comment section has become the Church of Ketchup Chips. Look at all the followers!

Russ said...

What are you talking about! Bacon chips are fantastic. I'm just sitting here eating a bag of Creamy Dills, but now I am craving a bag of bacon. I might have to run out. Maybe I'll buy some ketchup chips as well as a bottle of ketchup to give it a bit of extra flavour! What's up with Hillary? Third in Iowa?

Dean and Selena said...

Creamy Dill is quite excellent. This is a favourite. Smoky bacon just gives me heart burn after about two chips.. Hillary's showing in Iowa does not surprise. Hillary is a wonderful candidate until she actually meets people. I think Hillary is much like Ketchup chips. Great packaging, great everything, until you have to eat them. But ketchup chips could win Iowa I think, unlike Hillary.

Anonymous said...

So if you guys are the chip freaks. Tell us what flavour chips are in your pantry right now???And tell the truth...

Dean and Selena said...

We cannot read the packaging, as they are from a different land. The chip elves were in our cupboard while we were in Banff!! And I think the elves may be mermaids, because one of the flavours is seaweed???