Sunday, December 9, 2007

One Night in Evanston

Twas not the night before Christmas, and all through the house
2 creatures were stirring, but not Maddy the mouse.
The beer bottles were stacked on the counter with care,
In hopes that some more Kokanee would soon be there.

The catses were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of the upstairs danced in their heads.
And Selena in her robe, and Dean in the same
Had just settled in the hot tub for a short monopoly game.

When out of the tub there arose such a smell,
We sprang from the water and said " What the Hell!!"
the green glow we had witnessed was not from the tree
instead it was the water, which smelled like the sea

Away to the calendar, Dean flew like a flash,
Tore open the Hot tub manual and let out a gasp
4 months had passed since the water had been changed
and a time to drain the tub was soon arranged

You'd think for a moment that this is where the story would end
but not for these beans..
the night had much more to send

Smelling of swamp we trudged upstairs,
turned on the TV, to watch and be scared
"Ghost Whisperer's on" Selena said with glee
by now we were dry, sitting happy by the tree

The sandman soon found Dean and he started to snore
for god's sake it was 3am, could you expect any more?
"Why yes!" the night answered as we headed to bed
turned off the tree but the room was still red

when what to our wondering eyes should appear?
a big light, four firetrucks and 2 cops, Oh dear!
Mr Sandman had gone, but the swamp smell had not
it was joined by smoke, fire and the lot

a fire was raging about 4 doors down
a house under construction, we were relieved to have found
we pulled on some jeans and went out into the cold
we wanted to watch the story unfold

Calgary's finest were there blocking the street
and who in the world would Mayor Dean meet
a cop he became, a friend from the Hat!
Selena exclaimed "what are the chances of that"

we had no idea what this night had in store
could this night have contained any more?
smoke, fire, swamp and fog!!
we raced to the computer to share this night with you on our blog


Anonymous said...

Fire and smoke and fog OH MY!
Scary stuff if you live close by!

Special Agent "B"

Dean and Selena said...

You're right Special Agent "B", our fright we could not hide, they said the flames could be seen in Creekside.

Russ said...

Holy Geez. Scary stuff. As long as you're safe. Dean, are you coming here to fix the computer? Selena, good poem, very imaginative. Hot tubs are bad.

Dean and Selena said...

Russy, I would love to take credit for that poem, but that was a combined, laugh, giggle effort by both of us!

Anonymous said...

A fire in your new 'hood,
you must have had a fit!
And to hear on the news
it was started by some little shit!

Dean and Selena said...

Yes, anon, this night was a fright,
flames seemingly every hour that night, we will be on the lookout far and wide, this little torch can run but certainly cannot hide!

Anonymous said...

ur good at rymeing i must now try....

alas my time is up,
and i must go fill my cup.(with cocoloco of course)


Dean and Selena said...

Nice to see you Agent CC,
now that you are back in this country,
Sorry no cocoloco here, but how about a snow cone and root beer?

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm snoww cone... drifts into thoughts.