Tuesday, December 25, 2007

One Caesar To Rule Them All.

We went to Toronto this August, had much fun and learned many things. Here are just five of the things we discovered:

1) Calgary does not have a traffic problem. Toronto has the never-ending rush hour. We were on the 401 at 11am and then again at 11pm - no discernable difference. The only place where they had a normal traffic level was on the toll road - known as the 407 ETR. (Click for link) Yes, toll roads!

2) Niagra-On-The-Lake really is haunted. That's a post in itself. Stay tuned for that one!

3) "Pass The Ace" is the official sport of Six Mile Lake, Ontario. It is fast, furious fun and if you are Maddy, an excellent source of retirement proceeds!

4) Pearson Airport has $9.00 beers and...um, well.......nothing else. How does the saying go? We spent a month there one afternoon! Booooooring! This photo was taken accidently and photographed the most exciting moment there. Thanks for the heads up, Kimney!

5) Uncle Ray makes the best caesars in the land. We also had to travel 3500 kilometres to learn that this drink was created at the Owl's Nest restaurant right here in Calgary. True story! (Click for link)

Well, let me tell you something - the caesar was born again in Six Mile Lake, Ontario.

Thanks Auntie Ritchie and Uncle Ray for such a great time this summer! And we shall be toasting you this Christmas with your very own caesars.


Anonymous said...

Not wanting to make waves but.

The caesar was created in Calgary but it was created at "CAESARS" on 5th or is it 4th.

Dean and Selena said...

Our source for the Owl's nest was the all-knowing Wikipedia...
Here's the link:


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