Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Answer to: Which cat turned out the light

picture this... it's a Citywide extravaganza. Dean and I worked all night long to get inventory cards shipped off to one of his clients. We finished in the wee hours of the morning and came home starving. We go into the kitchen to get a late night snack, and of course the whole house is dark upstairs... ( this was at 41 ) so what else do you do when it's dark, you turn the light on. We are greeted with a sleepy faced Lucky, squinting in the bright light, who promptly turns his tail to us, hops up on the side table, stands up to the switch and with his teeth... turns the light off. Then he looks at us, and then jumps down, curling back into a ball to sleep!! Dean and I look at each other with a stunned expression and I say " that's new" and then we broke into side splitting laughter!!!


Russ said...

I think that it's time to turn his lights out, and change his name to "Unlucky".

Dean and Selena said...

Hahaha Russsy we post these "cat topic'd" blogs just for you :-)