Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Moon Drill

Did anyone see the Lunar eclipse last night?? No? That would be because it is TONIGHT! There the 3 of us are, outside on the driveway, camera's in hand, looking up at the sky. We looked at the moon so long we actually started to see the eclipse.... but after many minutes, we thought we'd better re-google it. And the date stared us in the face... Wednesday Feb 20th... lol ok so we did a moon drill. Tonight, we'll be prepared :-)
UPDATE: Please see the comments for the real story!


Dean and Selena said...

You are being very sweet, baby. I am so glad I am marrying you. However, the real story is too funny to obscure. *I* googled it and shouted "Eclipse!" yesterday. Selena and Maddy dutifully followed me into the abyss of the driveway. Only after about 5 awkward minutes of staring into a completely uneclipsing moon did "we" decide to go inside and google it. We discovered that we had arrived about 24 hours early. However, had it been an actual eclipse, we would have performed brilliantly. Now Maddy will know EXACTLY what to do in case she is ever in an unexpected eclipse. I have to go, I think I heard that sasquatch will be running past the Calgary tower in a few minutes. Into the Kia Selena and Maddy, we have a sasquatch to see!

Dean and Selena said...

Haha I guess I beat you to the "blog punch" you are much funnier :-)