Saturday, August 30, 2008
I Wonder If Hillary Will Vote For McCain Now?
Via Hot Air:
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain's Brilliant VP Choice.
Damn. I can't prove it but I endorsed Sarah Palin for his VP a few months ago. I knew she was the right choice as soon as I read her bio. She's the 44 year old current Governor of Alaska, a mother of 5, and the first woman to be selected as a VP candidate since Geraldine Ferraro in 1984. I believe she is the first ever woman to be selected for a Republican ticket. Historic.
The choice is brilliant because it takes the punch out of Obama's speech he gave last night making history in accepting the Democratic nomination for President.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Palin adds youth, energy and a real boost of excitement to the campaign of John McCain. At the same time, McCain grabs the media spotlight away from Obama in grand fashion. This is extremely hard to do as the MSM has been in the tank for Obama since he announced his candidacy. This decision highlights why John McCain should be the next the President of the United States. Nicely done and perfectly executed, Sen. McCain!
Congratulations, Gov. Palin. I look forward to your speech at the Republican Convention this week.
UPDATE: This is class:
This? Not so much:
Via WizBang Blog - Obama's response to John McCain's pick:
Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same.
Obama criticizing someone for a lack of foreign policy experience? That's interesting.
“We send our congratulations to Gov. Sarah Palin and her family on her designation as the Republican nominee for vice president," said the Democratic ticket in a joint statement. "It is yet another encouraging sign that old barriers are falling in our politics. While we obviously have differences over how best to lead this country forward, Gov. Palin is an admirable person and will add a compelling new voice to this campaign."
Wow - that is quite a change in tone. Hillary must have phoned Barack and gave him hell for his first response. She probably argued that with his first response he:
1) just might be offending a rather large voting block -women everywhere.
2) is sounding rather brutish and unkind after John McCain spent a bunch of money on an ad convincingly congratulating him.
Scenic Hat
once we were on the bridge, the train going underneath us was giving me goosebumps. It looked like it was so close to the bridge? Like if one car had been a bit taller it would have taken the bridge out, and us with it. But I'm guessing this isn't the first train to go underneath this bridge!
the local church. This is where Dean and Ruby got married.
Neat shot thru the archway. I'm really liking this lens!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bag Ladies
great night! Having the huge selection made it very hard to choose which purse to make your own. There were a few people walking around with 2 and 3 purses tucked under their arm, waiting to make the choice. Myself included! I finally narrowed it down to 2 and then found out I got a free purse from sales tonight, well.... my decision was made easy, buy one, get the other free! Works for me. Thankyou everyone for coming, to those that missed it, I will defiantly be having another one of these parties in the future. I'll keep ya posted. In the meantime, I have to switch my purse over.
Purses everywhere...
more purses...
3 pursekateers... haha
so many choices...
This brand "Kathy" had all kinds of "bling" hanging off the buckles. I was very intrigued, since I usually add my own dangly things, this one comes equipped!"
We also had Janine from Twinkle Toes come and paint our toenails. She was at my party last year too. She has LOTS of designs to pick from ( more decision making ughh) and she is so quick. She's alot of fun to have at parties.
a few of the toenail designs
The party winds down. Awesome night!
In case is interested the Bag Ladies can be reached @ 275-1795 ( Angie or Bunny )
and Janine can be reached @ 287-7734 ( Twinkle Toes )
Just Cuz...
Jade got a Rook and Chels had the top of her ear pierced. Maddie got her eyebrow done.
It's all good
They all had big smiles after! Now that's a bond! :-)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Birth-iversary
Jade and Maddie and " Monster " the bear
Chels, Chan and Maddie
"Rrrrooooooby" roll that "R"
the cake with no name
Everyone took turns blowing out a candle, Nana's turn.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Zombie Town
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I think we started an epidemic! Soon Evanston will be known as the place to go shopping at night, with a truck, and your headlights turned off so as not to attract any attention.
"Free take me home"
I think this is Larry's cousin Bob!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fish Eye Camera Lens
Friday, August 22, 2008
Free Shot of Espresso!
Happy Friday, everyone!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Starbucks Everywhere!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Runescape Party
My friend in Winnipeg plays, "Katieface64" and Maddie's boyfriend plays too. So one day we were all on, :-( except for Dean. Since I have 2 computers hooked up to my monitors, with a second mouse I played my character on one screen and Deans on the other. A mouse in each hand. Yes, only a die hard would attempt such a thing. We all met in the same world and although Dean wasn't there live he could live vicariously thru his character.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Chicken of the Beer
Anne inspects the label on our wine from a Saskatchewan winery.
Like a couple of rockets ready to blast off,
the chickens are ready to cook.
Kokanee, the official beer of Summer '08, is used.
Just add a little seasoning salt and cook for about 75 mins...
Voila! 75 mins or so elapse, beers cans removed and we have
some great looking chickens.
And the final touch, Cliff carves up the chicken for all of us
to enjoy. And, yes we did!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Buffalo Rubbing Stone
In case you can't read the sign here is what it says..
"15,000 years ago during the glacial ice age, the foothills Erratic Train deposited this erratic by West Nose Creek. When itchy or trying to remove their winter coats, buffalo would walk in circles around this stone rubbing their hides against the stone surface and creating this depression in the ground around the "Buffalo Rubbing Stone"
So there you have your history story for the day.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Quest for Icecream
...happy go lucky....
....skipping and jumping along.....
stopping to smell the flowers, or pat them.....
... when suddenly we saw them.... workers... foiling our plan!!!!
there big evil sign telling us we could not cross.....
such a dilemma had set in. We were hot and wanted our ice cream!!! But there was no way across the creek, we would have to backtrack all the way, and may as well just have ice cream at home :-(
Maddie thought we could jump the creek, I said it's as wide as the path we're on... so she tested it....
and would have fallen right into the middle of it!!!
Then in the distance we see kids walking towards the water. Hmm we thought what are they up to??? Then suddenly they were safely on the other side of it?? How did they do this?
we walked over to investigate, saw a bridge!! Hooray we shouted let's cross!!!
I gave Maddie the camera and went first, always thinking of keeping the camera dry! It was a thin board, and I had my doubts it would hold me... creeeeeek... but no splash! Safe!