Friday, August 1, 2008

I definitely do not have UNAGI!

Maddie's nearly favourite thing to do is scare the unagi out of me. Usually when I am bbq'ing outside, she will shout "HI DEAN!" from her window right above me and giggle while I do a little dance. Last week, she really got me. I was mowing the lawn and you all know how loud the lawn mower is. Impossible to scare someone, right? Maddie is really good at this. She picked her perfect spot and waited. Then when I was going past the window with the lawn mower going full blast, in my own little lawn mower world, and she sprang her "HI DEAN!" on me. Well, let's just let the clip below speak for itself:


Anonymous said...


Dean and Selena said...

Awwwwwwwww! Geez, Maddie, you're good! You are quick like cat!