Thursday, October 9, 2008

The original CSI

Well, I got to watch a favorite character of mine come to life this past weekend. Dean and I went to a mystery theater and saw a play called, Columbo takes the Rap. I was a bit skeptical about the person portraying my favorite sleuth, but in the opening credits he won me over! The stage was dark, the actors came out and stood perfectly still until the spotlight lit each one up as they were introduced as their stage name. "Columbo" was crouched in the front, and was the last to be introduced... when they said his name, he looked up and scritched his head, in the famous Columbo motion!! I laughed, the audience applauded, and the show began. It was Awesome!! The plot was great, the actors, especially Columbo were true to form, and then later we found out why. The writer of the play was one of the men who wrote the Columbo mysteries. It was a perfect afternoon, and I'm sure Peter Falk would approve of his portrayal!

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