Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tory Glory even in Minority.

First a movie clip from the 80s classic The Breakfast Club:

I voted this morning and it felt good.

Prime Minister Harper has won about 143 seats in Parliament and a near majority mandate. Tonight voters rewarded Harper's hard work and strengthened the Conservative brand.

The Liberals sit at the opposite side of the spectrum at about 79 seats. In only three elections since Confederation have the Liberals done worse:

In 1984 - 40 seats.
In 1958 - 49 seats.
In 1878 - 69 seats.

To add to the Liberal scorecard tonight, this was the worst popular vote result in Liberal electoral history. Stephan Dion now takes his seat in the Liberal Electoral Hall of Shame.

We finally get the electoral result we should have gotten after the Sponsorship Scandal in 2006. It was definitely worth the wait.

This was a satisfying election for three reasons:

1) The Harper government was re-elected as a result of their record of delivering on their promises. eg. GST cut, income tax cut, etc.

2) The Harper government is now officially legitimate and has a solid mandate as voters handily rejected the Liberal Green Shift.

3) The electorate delivered the media (especially most pollsters) a well deserved glove in the face.

Canada is an even better, stronger and freer country after the choice we all made tonight.

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