Sunday, March 27, 2011

Russy turns 40

Last week our maid of honour turned 50, this week the best man turned 40! Tania had a party for Russy's birthday on Saturday. His family came in from the Hat and we drove to the deep South, only a special occasion warrented going out in this bizarre weather. I noted that it looked like we've been stuck in a Stephen King novel days, fog, ice and hoarfrost covering eveything! Anyway enuff about the weather, let's get to the specatular cake that Tania made! We asked where she had it made because it was so kewl!! I wish I had the good camera with me, I would have gotten more detailed pix. Russy always says 'back on the farm" so that was the theme. Their daughter's name is Madison too, so we call her little Maddie. The kids were busy decorationg cows, and sheep and pigs for the walls.

amazing cake!!!

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you......

We almost went to a movie after Russy's but there were pileups on Deerfoot, we even had to detour, and a disaterous excuse for roads... so we went home to hibernate.


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