Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Adventures with Dianne

Maddie and I met Dianne and Spence for lunch. Our adventures went as follows.....

first stop Mezza's for a falafel. Maddie had one at Stampede that was kinda yucky so she was nervous about eating another one.... But this one was Amazing!!!

Here is Mezza's 213 - 6th Ave SE Great food!!

next we went to Spolumbo's, we were too full to eat so we had dessert

and a cappacino.

On the way home Maddie saw a costume shop, and all she did was say "oh that's where it is" and before you knew it Dianne was pulling over so we could go in. She's such a sweety :-) anyway the kids tried on a couple of costumes and we just had to take a pic! We couldn't find the right hat for Spence until after he was changed.... oh well still fun! There were quite the assortment of costumes here! Great ideas. Thanx for the fun day :-)

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