Wednesday, August 11, 2010

heading South, then East...

Since we flew into Victoria and drove to Nanaimo, it was time to check out and head back to the airport. We said our good byes, had lunch, did a couple of touristy things then handed our car back over, and flew home. Sigh... that was fun :-)

bye bye to Gramma Fifi

kisses for Bella, she called Maddie her "friend" all weekend, that or Alice lol

a fruity summer patio drink,

no, that face wasn't for the drink, it was for the seafood that we ordered... lol we started out our first day with a Vegan restaurant, but you have to have seafood on the Oceanside when you're in Victoria... Maddie didn't' approve.

she did approve of the scenery tho.

Maddie made a statue come to life. As soon as she dropped her coin in the hat, he was off that pedestal quick as a wink doing a dance, and giving her a hug.

the Parliament tour was half an hour, so we went on that and learned some fun facts about the building. There was a window given to Queen Victoria and when they built the library addition they had to dismantle it and place it somewhere else. They forgot about it and it sat in the basement lost for 62 years! Also the guy that designed the building, was only 25, and he lied on his resume about the buildings he had designed! But he got the contract and here the Parliament sits still :-)
Dean paid his parking tickets. We were 9 minutes late getting back to our car today, and we all held our breath until we saw there was no new ticket on the windshield.

Maddie and Dean got an icecream....

I wanted a waffle, from "Wannawaffle"

and we went thru the wax museum, how appropriate that they had an Alice display! Now to board the plane and fly home.

1 comment:


just realized im not following you! how can this be?? dont worry. i am now.